In the early 1980s, as I embarked on my journey in commercial Graphic Design and Illustration, I yearned for art that resonated with my soul rather than just my financial pursuits. This led me to conceive the idea of crafting masks, essentially, artistic facial façades.

My initial venture materialized as the monochromatic Celtic design showcased below, meticulously created using pen and ink, incorporating a fusion of ink spatter and popular press-on pantone patterns of that era. Subsequently, I delved into an airbrushed rendition to demonstrate the feasibility of my creative concept.

This paved the way for the creation of inked designs portraying both Medieval and African masks, subsequently experimenting with color utilizing colored pencil. Furthermore, my artistic exploration extended to the realm of Mardi Gras masks, where I delved into the portrayal of various animals.

Celtic Monotone

Celtic Color




